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About Us

Wapping Bangladesh Association (WBA) is an independent charity founded in 1981 initially as a self-help group by newly settled people and families of Bangladeshi and other Minority Ethnic heritage coming together to help each other all experiencing a similar array of multitude of problems particularly around poverty, hardship & other life challenges such as accessing local authority, NHS and other welfare support services which remained out of their reach due to knowledge, language and cultural barriers.


Today, WBA works very closely with the local residents, bringing people together to collectively work to tackle issues affecting their lives thus giving greater community empowerment leading to improvement in their quality of life as a result. Today, more than 3000 people annually benefit directly or indirectly from WBA’s social, educational, welfare and leisure services helping people to receive essential social care, health and advice services, delivering language, educational and cultural services and other programmes that helps to bring a positive change to a person’s financial circumstances through employment training, skills development and running courses leading to employability qualification. 


WBA takes a very rights-based approach to delivering services that enables local residents to access opportunities that raises their standard of living, improves their overall physical and emotional well-being and strengthens relationship with mainstream service providers to create social changes.

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A Big Thank You to All Our Funders for Supporting WBA’s Work

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