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Wapping's Older People's Friendship Club

WBA’s Older People’s Friendship Club reaches out to vulnerable and isolated lonely older people most whose health & emotional wellbeing has been impacted by isolation and loneliness. The Club’s staff and volunteers maintain regular contact through outreach networking, encouraging community interaction & helping older people to stay active and healthy both physically and emotionally.

WBA provides a safe meeting space for older people build a healthy and happy life by:

  • Build a healthy and happy life.

  • Engaging our older users in a variety of indoor and cultural activities.

  • Sharing their life stories over tea and biscuits.

  • Engaging in socialisation activities including games, sharing meeting space with others.

  • Participating in trips and outings.

  • Participating in activities that improves Older Person’s resilience and promotes equality and diversity.

Our volunteers offer befriending support and companionship to older people who feel or are at risk of becoming lonely and/or socially isolated. It also improves mental health and builds relationships that have maybe dwindled over the last couple of years.

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