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Chairperson's Foreword

I warmly welcome you to our website. I have had the honour and privilege to undertake the role of the Chairperson and Trustee of WBA and with the support of my colleagues on the Management Committee, our members and staff and many volunteers we have skilfully managed WBA, at times through some very difficult periods to leave it in an exciting and developing phase.


With some caution and optimism, I can report that we are gradually but slowly coming through the Covid-19 pandemic and returning to pre-covid times but like everyone else, the costs of living crisis is giving us a lot of cause for concerns with rising costs putting financial constraints on our spending. We will continue to provide much needed services and support for the local communities in Tower Hamlets who are coping with the complexities and demands of life. 

Our website highlights the broad range of work that WBA delivers with emphasis remaining on supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of community who are impacted by poverty and hardship, poor health, language and societal barriers. We continue to develop services so people achieve their potential, that raises their standard of living quality of life.


WBA always helps to facilitate and to provide access to information and resources and build the capacity of the local community. WBA’s existing and future projects will continue to target the needs of older and vulnerable residents, disadvantaged families, the unemployed and people experiencing poverty and isolation. This, I hope, will provide further opportunities for us to help and support people in need.

On this note I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to everyone involved in the running of WA, staff members and my colleagues on the Management Committee for all their efforts.

My sincere thanks to Tower Hamlet's Council and all the funding bodies and partner agencies who have supported our work and thanks to all the individuals who continue to support the work of WBA. 


Nowruz Ahmed Chowdhury


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